home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 ifz>0then1830
- 100 rem make starline intro
- 120 poke53281,1:poke53280,6:poke646,0
- 140 print"[147]"
- 160 t$="**** [198][197][197][196][194][193][195][203] [196][201][211][203][160][205][193][203][197][210] ****":gosub1880
- 180 print:print
- 200 t$="[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is a grand [193]merican":gosub1880
- 220 t$="experiment, but [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] can be":gosub1880
- 240 t$="no more or no less than you":gosub1880
- 260 t$="make it!":gosub1880
- 280 t$="[195]ommodore-64 (and 128) owners":gosub1880
- 300 t$="everywhere are bound together by":gosub1880
- 320 t$="the ownership of a wonderful piece":gosub1880
- 340 t$="of hardware!":gosub1880
- 360 gosub1940
- 380 print"[147]":t$="**** [198][197][197][196][194][193][195][203] [196][201][211][203][160][205][193][203][197][210] ****":gosub1880
- 400 t$="[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] provides you with a mechanism":gosub1880
- 420 t$="that links you to the rest of the":gosub1880
- 421 t$="[195]ommodore [195]osmos.":gosub1880
- 422 t$="[196]on't keep your [195]ommodore":gosub1880
- 440 t$="treasures a secret from your fellow":gosub1880
- 460 t$="space travelers. [207]thers who are":gosub1880
- 480 t$="just beginning their journey will":gosub1880
- 500 t$="place great value on your wisdom":gosub1880
- 502 t$="and knowledge!":gosub1880
- 504 t$="[200]ere is how you share...":gosub1880:gosub1940
- 520 print"[147]"
- 540 t$="**** [198][197][197][196][194][193][195][203] [196][201][211][203][160][205][193][203][197][210] ****":gosub1880
- 560 print:print
- 580 t$="[213]se this facility to convert a blank":gosub1880
- 600 t$="disk into a [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] feedback disk.":gosub1880
- 620 t$="[212]hen send your comments, reviews,":gosub1880
- 640 t$="tips, questions, and most of":gosub1880
- 642 t$="all ... programs ... to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]":gosub1880
- 660 t$="on your disk, ready for publication.":gosub1880
- 680 t$="[217]our disk will be returned to you and":gosub1880
- 700 t$="remember, we pay a $50 reward for":gosub1880
- 702 t$="programs that we use on [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]!":gosub1880
- 720 gosub1940
- 740 print"[147]"
- 760 t$="**** [198][197][197][196][194][193][195][203] [196][201][211][203][160][205][193][203][197][210] ****":gosub1880
- 800 t$="[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] has provided a 'peel-off'":gosub1880
- 820 t$="mailing label that pays for return":gosub1880
- 840 t$="postage. [202]ust stick the label on our":gosub1880
- 860 t$="cardboard mailer, put your feedback":gosub1880
- 880 t$="disk in the mailer, and pop it in":gosub1880
- 900 t$="the mail. [201]t will come right to us.":gosub1880
- 920 t$="[206]o stamps required!":gosub1880
- 930 t$="[194]e sure to include your return":gosub1880
- 940 t$="address so we can send your disk":gosub1880
- 950 t$="back to you.":gosub1880
- 980 gosub1940
- 1360 :
- 1380 :
- 1400 :
- 1420 :
- 1440 :
- 1460 :
- 1480 rem want to make one?
- 1500 print"[147]"
- 1520 t$="**** [198][197][197][196][194][193][195][203] [196][201][211][203][160][205][193][203][197][210] ****":gosub1880
- 1540 print""
- 1560 print" 1. [205]ake a [198][197][197][196][194][193][195][203] disk."
- 1561 print" (from a blank disk)":print
- 1562 print" 2. [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 1563 print" ([201]'ll experiment with this later)"
- 1564 print"[215]hich?"
- 1580 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 1600 ifk$<>"1"andk$<>"2"then1580
- 1620 ifk$="2"then2040
- 1640 print"[147]"
- 1660 t$="**** [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [196][201][211][203][160][205][193][203][197][210] ****":gosub1880
- 1680 print:print"[147]"
- 1700 print" [207].[203]. [201] will tell you when to remove":print
- 1720 print" your [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] disk and insert a":print
- 1722 printspc(13)"blank disk."
- 1800 print" [208]lease wait....."
- 1820 print" [204]oading some files.... "
- 1822 print" [193]pproximate loading time is 70 seconds."
- 1830 ifz=0thenz=1:load"routines",8,1
- 1832 ifz=1thenz=2:load"slkeyin",8,1
- 1840 print"load"chr$(34)"f.b. maker.2"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 1860 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 1880 rem centering
- 1900 x=20-len(t$)/2:printtab(x)t$:print
- 1920 return
- 1940 rem wait for keypress
- 1960 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 1980 poke781,23:poke782,13:sys65520:print"<press a key>"
- 2000 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 2020 return
- 2040 rem connnect back to hello
- 2060 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"hello"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 2080 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end